The full moon that says new ideas & "move forward"!
There is a full moon on 23'th of May where the moon is in Sagittarius and the sun is in Gemini....air and fire, it can be quite explosive! The full moon....a lovely force that affects us whether we like it or not, it's the course of nature. Who can defy it?
I woke up today feeling restless and quickly decided for a walk down to the beach to meditate. I let my gaze rest on the clear water and listened to the sounds of the waves..still as captivated by the beauty here where I live. Every day I wake up to this...a little paradise far away from the motherland. Yes, I miss, but I'm also in a new phase of life that asks me to keep moving forward. Move forward, this is one of many messages under this full moon - so what holds you back?
Sagittarius, ruled by fire, curiosity, quest, new wisdom, passion and discovery...Determined with his bow and arrow, he takes careful aim at his target. Precise and focused....
This energy is something we can all feel during this moon phase and we need it! In a world and a society that quickly traps us in a state where moving towards something new feels difficult. We forget how important it is to feel passion, to learn something new that we find exciting...I usually say: The direction your thoughts are constantly seeking, what you find interesting and exciting, that is also where you should go in to study more as it could most likely be part of your soul searching and journey....
With fire comes restlessness. It is important to look behind that feeling and not jump too quickly...Fire can be a important starter and a strength, but if it is too strong you can quickly become too impulsive and maybe then it's not the right moment to make the biggest choices. The rule is as usual to practice patience, listen to your intuition and choose accordingly. Full moon is always about change, choose wisely.
To feel the pulse...
How important is it not to feel the pulse of life itself? To dare to live? I listen to the words from the speaker: Go beyond. Go beyond fear and there you will find love...When you feel this love: dance, sing, inhale the light!
But in this search for something new, something more exciting, the quickly the fear comes...the fear of what might happen or if we don't make it. And this fear is also what holds most people back. We are not going to become dreamers...we ARE born dreamers!!! In the same way that we ARE born love!!
"I don't want to take the easy road"
....A road should be somewhat difficult as that is what gives it meaning. Even if the path is chosen for you, it doesn't mean without difficulty...even if you stumble and want to give up, it might be worth it to keep going.
Still you have to let go of what does not serve you any higher good...
All full moon phases are there to help us to let go. But, letting go is scary so it's so much easier to hold on, isn't it? A meditation or a quiet time is always recommended so that we can see if there is something heavy that is holding us back - or just ask for help to cleanse what no longer nourishes us...
Sudden change of pattern
The full moon means a new cycle and we can often find that we suddenly change a pattern, we say goodbye to something that will in turn open a new world for us. Limitations and poor belief patterns no longer work. That's what's fascinating about the power of every full moon: whether we know it or not, it affects us and it makes us change... ;)
New ideas and mindset?
When the fire element comes together with air, there is a lot of good energy into new projects and new ideas! A lovely opportunity to write down your wishes for your path forward. New goals that suit you...a change in mindset? Think outside the box...not just locally, but the whole the unknown and dare to walk new paths...
Moon energy is feminine. It is the soft, the sensual, the vulnerable, but also a strength. Dance with flow in circles in one with sensual rythms...exhale and release whatever tension you may be feeling. Take a bath, cleanse yourself...set new goals and remind yourself that you are doing this out of love for yourself and no one else. Charge your crystals, write down your full moon wishes and belive....
Belive that the universe is there for you!
Where intentions goes, healing flows....
It's easy....If you have decided and your intentions are clear, help will find it's way. But, you must belive.... Where did we loose our connection with nature? Take it back....ground youself with mother nature, talk with the trees, the wind, the moon... Full moon or not: When you choose nature you can never go wrong....
Love yourself enough so you can grow...
If we learn to love ourself and see us as pure light we have then come a long way. The more we shine and feel we deserve - the more abundance we can embrace...
I wish you a beautiful full moon time wherever you are in this world. Take care of yourself, be patient and move forward...dont look back on your past...Use this full moon energy to take another step in a direction thats right for you. And remember: YOU ARE THE CHANGE.
Love, VV
If you're stuck, the energy feels heavy or you can't see the way forward... remember that I can help you. Contact me at and together we will find time. Welcome <3